Taken by the Single Daddy by author Camela Kaye book cover.

Taken by the Single Daddy

By Camela Kaye

Publisher Description

Losing my V-Card while playing fake fiancé to my enemy confirms that I’m a sucker for biceps and washboard abs.

David has to prove to his family that he’s the best man to run the family business.

But because of his bad boy reputation, he’s having to jump through hoops to prove it.

Not long after hiring me as his nanny I agreed to become his fake fiancé.

He offers me financial freedom and in return he gains his father’s approval.

Only, he’s growing on me now and I can tell that he’s smitten too.

Once the news of our engagement went public, a feeding frenzy of scrutiny ensued.

Now I’m being criticized as just another girl in his arsenal.

And he’s at risk of losing it for good.

If he does, I don’t know where I fit in…



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