Kiss & Run Out on a Billionaire by author H.M. Irwing. Book One cover.

Kiss & Run Out on a Billionaire

By H.M. Irwing

Publisher Description

Aria Longbottom, a bubbly career oriented women, no longer had a place for a man in her life. Thrown over five years ago, by her then boyfriend Dale Carmichael, on the night of New Year’s Eve, for her more attractive cousin, Linda Shubeck, Aria was not all that eager to get back on that horse again. Especially, not with her multi-millionaire and playboy childhood friend, Justin Kay. That New Year’s Eve night, lost in passion in his arms could very well have been on a rebound. It surely wasn’t anything more. Or was it? But that was something she would never know having run out on him the very morning after.

Justin Kay, the fun loving super rich, who enjoyed hard work and then the hard booze and partying lifestyle. He should not have rightly remembered a New Year’s Eve night with Aria Longbottom tucked close in his arms. He should not have remembered her there at all, for she had been wearing a mask. Something that had surprisingly stayed on. But five years on and she was all he remembered still.



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