What to expect once a promotion is submitted on our Bookings page:
Your free or <$2.99 priced eBook is promoted one time in our daily newsletter targeted to erotica romance fans. (+60,000 email recipients)
We (permanently) feature your book on WildHeartsRomance.com. Check out our selection of hot reads by visiting our Books page.
Supported buy-links include Amazon and Apple (iTunes). Nowhere else.
Book Requirements:
All accepted submissions are responded to within 2 business days. We would love to accept every book you submit, but we only pick books we think our readers will really enjoy. This includes the genre your book falls under, the general narrative of the story, quality of the cover, blurb, and formatting, and the editing of the content. All in all, we are looking for quality erotica.
We accept short stories, novellas, novels, bundles/boxed sets, etc.
We reserve the right to deny or cancel any promotion at any time for any reason.
Pricing and Requirements:
You can book a promotion up to 60 days in advance.
Cost of promotion is $45 USD and payable only through PayPal. The submission is confirmed when payment is received.
Books must be positively rated. Books must be rated with an average of 3.8 or higher.
We have to be able to assess your title, so it must be published before you apply for a promotion.
One promotion per pen name is allowed every 4 days.
The same title can only be promoted with us once every nine months.
It is the author’s responsibility to discount the book to the promotion price before 5:00 A.M. EST on the day of the promotion and keep the book discounted UNTIL midnight PST. (We recommend discounting at least 24 hours before).
URLs must be complete. Do not use URL shorteners or affiliate codes.
We can make requested changes and offer refunds up to three days before your Wild Hearts Romance promotion day.
There are two types of promotion bookings: Permafree & $2.99 or Less
Permafree: There are two spots available each day for FREE books – our readers love these! They’ll be listed just below the Top Spot.
$2.99 or Less: Two available spots per newsletter. Title must be discounted to $2.99 or less but not free.
By submitting your promotional booking, you agree to give Wild Hearts Romance permission to use and display your book’s cover and descriptions in our newsletters and website.