The pretty rich woman who had been stung and robbed by a guy needed professional help finding him so that she could try to sting him back. The private detective agency that those numb nuts do-nothing city cops had sent her to see had turned out to be a ‘his and her’ two-person detective team. She soon found out that they had as many sexual tensions between them as she had been used to dealing with in her own life.
When Cass Colt and Roberta Berretta tried to get their first client interview with Giselle Rosenbaum started, what had happened to bring the woman there to them suddenly took second place, as the three of them were first trying to find out who could do what for each other in the best way. The macho stud Cass Colt could talk the talk, but Giselle somehow knew that he had not walked the walk with the pretty Roberta Berretta sexually.